I'm Gabriel, was born in 1987 and I've been a fan of Knights of Zodiac since its 1st version in Brazil on Manchete TV. Great old times!!!
Me llamo Gabriel, nací em 1987 y he sido fanático por Los Caballeros del Zodíaco desde su primera aparición en la brasileña Tele Manchete. ¡¡Buenos viejos tiempos!!
We don't have a proverb in English like that at all, so it sounds kind of weird...and I don't really know what it's supposed to mean.
Instead of "Are you jealousy?" it's "Are you jealous?" (Jealous is the adjective). Instead of "hihi," we write it, "heehee." Also, do you mean engaged instead of committed? Committed is a really ambiguous word, you can use it for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship or to say that you're committed to supporting someone, like a political candidate , or committed to your dog, etc.
Acho que Seiya levou a pior.
I agree =p
no doubts about it =P
We don't have a proverb in English like that at all, so it sounds kind of weird...and I don't really know what it's supposed to mean.
Instead of "Are you jealousy?" it's "Are you jealous?" (Jealous is the adjective). Instead of "hihi," we write it, "heehee." Also, do you mean engaged instead of committed? Committed is a really ambiguous word, you can use it for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship or to say that you're committed to supporting someone, like a political candidate , or committed to your dog, etc.
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