I'm Gabriel, was born in 1987 and I've been a fan of Knights of Zodiac since its 1st version in Brazil on Manchete TV. Great old times!!!
Me llamo Gabriel, nací em 1987 y he sido fanático por Los Caballeros del Zodíaco desde su primera aparición en la brasileña Tele Manchete. ¡¡Buenos viejos tiempos!!
The translation is really good, I just have a couple of suggestions for the first panel: after the first question, you should make all the words nouns just to be consistent and put "Is it..." in front...so "Is it esotericism? Coincidence? Neurosis?" Cabalistic is a word, but I had never heard it before--I had to look it up, and it means pretty much the same thing as esoteric, which is a more common word.
I think the use of cabalistic fits the translation. These two words have an almost similar meaning, however "cabalistic" deepens the idea of mistery or hidden fate.
ves? ya comenté en el site XD
yo ya he dicho a mis amigos que pasen por aquí, ahora depende de ellos!
si alguna vez necesitas ayuda con la traducción, aquí estoy
Seiya, o gênio da matemática.
The translation is really good, I just have a couple of suggestions for the first panel: after the first question, you should make all the words nouns just to be consistent and put "Is it..." in front...so "Is it esotericism? Coincidence? Neurosis?" Cabalistic is a word, but I had never heard it before--I had to look it up, and it means pretty much the same thing as esoteric, which is a more common word.
I think the use of cabalistic fits the translation. These two words have an almost similar meaning, however "cabalistic" deepens the idea of mistery or hidden fate.
thanks guys XD gracias XD
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