I'm Gabriel, was born in 1987 and I've been a fan of Knights of Zodiac since its 1st version in Brazil on Manchete TV. Great old times!!!
Me llamo Gabriel, nací em 1987 y he sido fanático por Los Caballeros del Zodíaco desde su primera aparición en la brasileña Tele Manchete. ¡¡Buenos viejos tiempos!!
In the second panel, the guy in bed should say "Ah, can you leave the corridor lights on, please" (instead of let them on--it's just an idiom. Also, if you want American English, we say hallway instead of corridor (that's British). Third panel: "What COULD it have been?" instead of "should it be." Otherwise, excellent translation!
Também acho aqueles olhos medonhos.
In the second panel, the guy in bed should say "Ah, can you leave the corridor lights on, please" (instead of let them on--it's just an idiom. Also, if you want American English, we say hallway instead of corridor (that's British).
Third panel: "What COULD it have been?" instead of "should it be."
Otherwise, excellent translation!
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